Single Family Homes

As prices rise in the country, we are seeing a decreased number in smaller dollar-value transactions within this category, mainly driven by the outer islands. This leads to an increased demand in smaller vacant land lots to develop an affordable home, rather than purchasing a home.
Condos & Townhomes

This quarter we saw a large increase in this category compared to the last. This was driven by further sales in the various new developments, as well as resales in already established properties. This category is one of the most sought after by a buyer in the country, as it usually provides stress free ownership, amenities and access to the beach, making it the investment of choice when looking for a Turks & Caicos lifestyle.
Vacant Land

As land value grows, and availability of lots falls, we are seeing an increased number of mutations of larger lots into smaller lots, and hence the larger number of transactions in the smaller dollar brackets. Additionally, we have seen an increased interest in islands such as North Caicos, Grand Turk and South Caicos where price per acre is lower.